Nuprl Lemma : fpf-vals_wf 0,22

A:Type, eq:EqDecider(A), B:(AType), P:(A), f:x:A fp B(x).
fpf-vals(eq;P;f (x:{a:AP(a) }B(x)) List 

DefinitionsUnit, b, A, {T}, Prop, P  Q, P  Q, P & Q, P  Q, strong-subtype(A;B), (x  l), remove-repeats(eq;L), P  Q, b, xt(x), x(s), , EqDecider(T), x:AB(x), fpf-vals(eq;P;f), a:A fp B(a), t  T, let x = a in b(x)
Lemmasdeq wf, bool wf, fpf wf, l member wf, remove-repeats wf, strong-subtype-self, strong-subtype-set3, strong-subtype-deq-subtype, cons member, subtype rel list, assert wf, not wf, bnot wf, assert of bnot, eqff to assert, iff transitivity, eqtt to assert
